
The Trustee:

governanceSt Vincent’s Castleknock College is a Voluntary Catholic Secondary School under the trusteeship of the Congregation of the Missions, more commonly known as the Vincentians. The headquarters of the Vincentian Order are located at Sybil Hill in Raheny, Co Dublin.

The Board of Management:

The college is governed by a Board of Management, in accordance with the Education Act of 1998, which is answerable to the Trustee. The Board has eight members comprising of two elected parents, two elected teachers and four members appointed by the Trustee. The Board meets every month and deals with issues of governance i.e. the finances of the college, the maintenance of the buildings and grounds, college policies, health and safety concerns, child protection issues, standards of excellence in teaching and learning, as well as in co-curricular activities, and how the Vincentian ethos can be maintained in all of the work, and the life of the college. Some of the Board’s work is done by sub-committees which report to the Board.

College Management:

The day-to-day management of the college is the responsibility of the Headmaster and Deputy Principals. They are assisted by Assistant Principals (I and II), teachers with extra responsibilities who help to manage the college in matters of discipline, exams, communications, professional development, learning support, pastoral care, liaison with parents and so on.

The Vincentians:

The Vincentian order has a large presence in the college and the President keeps an active and interested eye on life in the college. There is also a Vincentian Chaplain who constantly meets with students around the college. He along with other Vincentian priests, who live on the premises, preside at Masses, Sacraments of Reconciliation and other liturgical events. Of course the college welcomes students of other faiths: we have Muslims, Christians of other denominations, Buddhists and boys of other religions among our student population.

Parents and students:

The college has an active Parent Representative Association (with core groups of parents from each of the six years) and a vibrant student council who advise the management on many college matters. Their voice is listened to and responded to, both groups actively contributing to the way the college is managed and run.


The administrative wing of the college is overseen by the Director of Administration. They manage a team which is responsible for the day-to-day running of the college including finances and fees, reception, communication with parents, special events, maintenance of the buildings, grounds and furniture, cleaning, catering and secretarial work.

[Statement from the Vincentian Community concerning Abuse – 16th November 2022]

If you have been affected by abuse in any way, please contact or any of the following:

Towards Healing – 1800 303416

HSE National Counselling Service: 1800 234110

Connect Counselling – 1800 477 477