Jan 27 Catholic Schools Week 2022: Mass with Archbishop Jude Thaddeus Okolo, Papal Nuncio
To conclude our celebration of Catholic Schools Week the Papal Nuncio Archbishop Jude Okolo has kindly agreed to celebrate mass at 11.00am in the College Chapel.
We would like to invite you the families of the boys to join us for this mass via Zoom as part of our effort to include parents, grandparents and past men in the weeks activities.
I am presuming everyone is well aware at this stage about how to join Zoom events…. So follow the link below.
Archbishop Jude is the first African Papal Nuncio to be appointed to Ireland and he received part of his formation for the priesthood from Vincentian Priests, some of whom were past pupils or members of the staff here at St. Vincent’s College.
He will speak to the boys about what are the values that motivate them in their lives and the values associated with a Catholic School.
We look forward to welcoming as many of you as possible to join us for this celebration.
Fr. Stephen. Chaplain.