Apr 23 Bord Gais Schools Drama competition

Congratulations to Kyle Malone Stuart who has won the Bord Gais Schools Drama competition.  

Kyle had to write a one-act play.  His was one of 7500 entries.  Last week he was told that he had won the Secondary Schools section and that he and his class had won tickets to Warhorse.  

At this event, the overall winner for the whole competition was announced: it was Kyle!  

He wins €1000 worth of books for our College library, a further €1000 for the school (which Kyle would like to be spent on equipment for our newly-formed Film Society) and vouchers worth €300 for himself.  He was also presented (by Amy Huberman) with a beautiful glass trophy which is on display in the foyer.  

We hope to produce Kyle's play, “Jake”, in the final term.

Click here to read a review of the competition posted on the Bord Gais Theatre website: https://www.bordgaisenergyrewards.ie/rewards-news/sta-winners/index.xml

Click here to read Kyle's entry: https://www.bordgaisenergyrewards.ie/site-files/pdf-docs/Overall-Winner-Kyle-Stuart.pdf